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Repayment Waivers and Reviews

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 8:51 pm
by ark532
Hi all,

I was dismissed from the program after being in the hospital and unable to complete my schooling. I did three of my four summers interning, and they are requesting the full amount back. Thing is, with the medical bills on top of coronavirus (both parents lost jobs, no health insurance anymore), the money just doesn't exist to pay them.

So I'm working on my papers and such for a waiver, but was wondering - has anyone ever successfully waived their debt? Would it be better to ask for a review instead? I've read some forums and saw that a lot of people who were either dismissed or withdrew only had to pay for what they didn't finish, and getting 75% off would certainly be an improvement. Does anyone have advice?

Re: Repayment Waivers and Reviews

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 4:45 pm
by Guest1234
You don't have to give details if you don't want to, but why did they dismiss you? Are you still completing your degree? Or could not complete school due to the issue? If you are physically unable to work, I would think you should be able to appeal your case.

Re: Repayment Waivers and Reviews

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 10:24 pm
by ark523
Essentially became suicidal due to the pressures of school, got hospitalized, flunked out of college. Hoping the sob-story will be effective since I don't know if the government believes in mental illness as a whole. Working on getting some kind of paperwork to prove my diagnoses but it's a surprisingly long process.

Re: Repayment Waivers and Reviews

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 5:39 pm
by human234895
Get in touch with Sisyphus on this forum and make your way to the debtors' Discord. They can offer more guidance, but it also may be worth trying to rope in one of your Senators. Many Senate offices have a "help with a federal agency" option in their contact form. I believe past dismissed scholars have done this, but I wouldn't move forward with anything until you hear from some of them. They'll be a valuable resource.

Sorry to hear about your situation.