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For those of you who were able to negotiate your salary upon entering Step 2

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:43 pm
by NOYBokay
Are you willing to discuss your experience with that, whether here or over PM? I have bunches of questions to ask of you. Also, is there a general discord for the scholars?

Thank you!

Re: For those of you who were able to negotiate your salary upon entering Step 2

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:55 pm
by guest007
To my knowledge there is no general Discord, only one for people who left the program and have debt. I would be ok to answer questions about negotiating salary. The two main things to understand though are you don't have a ton of leverage since you owe them money and along the same lines you can really only get as far as your hiring manager wants to help you. DM me and I'll do my best