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COmmunication with the new project managers

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:53 pm
by idliketoknow
I know that there was a management change and that we communicate with a different group of people when asking ASEE questions. Has anyone else had trouble contacting or getting a response from this group? Do we even have CAs anymore?

Re: COmmunication with the new project managers

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:00 pm
by Guest
I've needed to contact them 3-4 times since the change and I never had any issues (They have usually responded within 1-2 days).

I do miss our old CAs. Mine was a bit quicker to respond and always signed her name, which gave communicating with SMART a personal feeling. Now the responses are curt and robotic.

Re: COmmunication with the new project managers

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:33 pm
by veriste
I've also had a hard time getting a response lately.