Actual Stipend Rate for SMART Scholarship

General Discussion for SMART Scholarship Recipients

Actual Stipend Rate for SMART Scholarship

Post by shdolertest »

I was wondering what the actual stipend rate is for bachelors, masters, and bs/ms. It appears to be 30,000-41,000 on the website but Ive been seeing different numbers on this forum. I applied as bs but can I change into bs/ms after Im awarded? Additionally how much of your stipend was taxed?


Re: Actual Stipend Rate for SMART Scholarship

Post by Guest »

Here are the benefits broken down by degree level. BS/MS students earn the BS stipend until they graduate with the BS. Then, they get raised to the MS stipend.
BS: $30k / yr
MS: $40k / yr
PhD: $46k / yr

If you start the SMART Scholarship as a BS student, you can submit what's called a "Service Agreement Amendment Request" to change your degree level to BS/MS. It's not guaranteed, so you have to be okay with putting off grad school and going to work if the SAAR is denied.

Everyone's tax situation is different, so I'm not going to give potentially bad advice about that.

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