What are my chances?

Answers to various questions regarding the SMART Scholarship application process. Includes many tips and statistics.

What are my chances?

Post by Uiacciau »

I am a Tuskegee University freshman with a High Scoll GPA of a 3.5 and an ACT score of a 25. I already have a full scholarship and i'm in Aerospace Engineering.


Re: What are my chances?

Post by Guest »

How does someone make 3 mistakes spelling a 6-letter word? The correct spelling is school. You're missing an H, you're missing an O, and you have an extra L. I would say your chances of working for the government are very good. Congratulations.


Re: What are my chances?

Post by Uiacciar »

I am sorry but I was typing on my phone while on a flight. I was half sleep but if you get a kick out of typing an extended correction in the spelling of one word then go ahead and enjoy.


Re: What are my chances?

Post by facepalm »

If you are daft enough to accept this scholarship despite having a "full scholarship" already, then you deserve what you get. Accept it and transfer to a good school.


Re: What are my chances?

Post by guest »

No offense, but if you have a full ride with no payback, you should not even think of applying to the SMART program.

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:35 am

Re: What are my chances?

Post by joshcb15n »

I am a current graduate student with funding from my PI for the rest of graduate school and I would still love to get the SMART scholarship. I know government work isn't for everybody but I consider the payback a perk I get a job when I graduate and don't have to find a post doc.

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