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SF commitment

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:03 am
by guest213
I have a question regarding the service commitment following degree completion. When you are hired on and complete the service agreement, does it have to be at the SF or can you go to any unit that falls under the same command or umbrella? The reason I am asking is because my wife is active duty military, and I wondered if the Sponsoring Facilities are willing to allow you to work in a different city or locations as long as they have an attachment there.

Any feedback or answers from past experiences would be much appreciated.

Re: SF commitment

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:35 am
by Guest
It must be at the SF that selects you. Civilian employment isn't nearly as mobile as enlisted work. They don't let you go to any facility that has ARDEC in the name and start working. When you are selected, you are basically being hired by a manager.

There may be some options for mobility, but do not anticipate being allowed to move around until your service commitment has ended.