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Foreign Travel Question

Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 4:00 pm
by RandomQuestions395
So I got the SMART scholarship this year, which would mean I have accepted it, but haven't done anything such as the orientation or clearance procedure, and they don't start paying for my schooling till next year. Recently I was asked by a friend to join her in a short, like 4-5 day vacation in about 3 weeks, to Dubai. I don't yet know if I am able to go, but I was looking at the scholarship handbook and it was talking about following through with SF procedures, but I haven't been told anything about that as we haven't had the site visit yet, and wouldn't have it until after I would get back from this trip.

Would I be able to go on this trip without any issues, or do I need to email the scholarship people to ask about it?
