No interview?

Answers to various questions regarding the SMART Scholarship application process. Includes many tips and statistics.

No interview?

Post by applicant2352 »

I applied in this cycle and made it to Simifinalist, but I’m getting concerned because I have not been contacted for an interview yet.

Typically how late into March are SFs still conducting interviews? Is it true that some facilities don’t even interview candidates? Is it still to early to get a sense as to whether or not a facility will offer an interview?

Info: undergrad senior applying to EE graduate programs.


Re: No interview?

Post by thatmicrobiologist »

I haven't heard about an interview yet either

Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2022 8:42 pm

Re: No interview?

Post by arjay92 »

Same. It's a shame too. But I guess it's good that I'm not alone.

Unless us here are being rejected/ghosted by the program.


Re: No interview?

Post by Fiona »

Don’t lose hope! Go back and read the semifinalist email SMART sent. It clearly states that being interviewed does not make you any more likely to become a finalist.

“During this phase the Sponsoring Facilities that participate in SMART are reviewing applications to determine which applicants they would like to sponsor. As part of this process, between now and the end of March, you may be contacted directly by a Sponsoring Facility for an interview. It is also possible that you will not be contacted, which is not an indication of whether you have been selected and will not impact your chances of being selected for an award. If you are contacted for an interview, we encourage you to view our interview tips video, linked below, to assist in your preparation.”


Re: No interview?

Post by Guest »

Fiona wrote:
Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:38 pm
Don’t lose hope! Go back and read the semifinalist email SMART sent. It clearly states that being interviewed does not make you any more likely to become a finalist.

“During this phase the Sponsoring Facilities that participate in SMART are reviewing applications to determine which applicants they would like to sponsor. As part of this process, between now and the end of March, you may be contacted directly by a Sponsoring Facility for an interview. It is also possible that you will not be contacted, which is not an indication of whether you have been selected and will not impact your chances of being selected for an award. If you are contacted for an interview, we encourage you to view our interview tips video, linked below, to assist in your preparation.”
That’s what has been giving me hope. While it seems that most people who get selected were interviewed, I do know of at least 1 person who didn’t receive an interview but was still selected. Who knows honestly.. I’m not expecting to get selected, but I’m also not completely giving up hope.

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