NREIP applying for SMART
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:56 pm
Hey all,
I participated in the NREIP (Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program) last summer and am applying for the SMART scholarship now for grad school (I graduate with an electrical engineering degree this semester). I was wondering if anyone else has participated in NREIP and how it will affect my chances of getting accepted since it is an ASEE sponsored program. My main worry is that I will be thrown out early due to a fairly poor GRE and a sub-par GPA (3.48). The lab that I interned with already said they would pick me up if I make it in, the only problem is that I have to make it through ASEE first. Should I be worrying about being thrown out due to bad scores before my past experiences are viewed??
I participated in the NREIP (Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program) last summer and am applying for the SMART scholarship now for grad school (I graduate with an electrical engineering degree this semester). I was wondering if anyone else has participated in NREIP and how it will affect my chances of getting accepted since it is an ASEE sponsored program. My main worry is that I will be thrown out early due to a fairly poor GRE and a sub-par GPA (3.48). The lab that I interned with already said they would pick me up if I make it in, the only problem is that I have to make it through ASEE first. Should I be worrying about being thrown out due to bad scores before my past experiences are viewed??