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Summer Internship if I'm accepted?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:54 pm
by Summer2017
So here's the deal. I was offered a summer internship with another company and I had to accept it within 24hrs after receiving the offer. (Given, I can always back out if I get the SMART scholarship)

My question is, will SMART allow me to intern with another company this summer so long as I make it to all my orientations and facility visits or will the 16hr/wk cap start as soon as I accept the scholarship?

Re: Summer Internship if I'm accepted?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:04 pm
by Callister
I'm not positive, but I would bet heavily that the 16hr requirement does not begin until you actually begin work on Aug 1st. The program begins on Aug 1st which is when you start earning $

Re: Summer Internship if I'm accepted?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:32 pm
by sbmdva
I was able to complete a summer internship (non-smart related) the summer after accepting my scholarship in 2015. However, I had to resign from the position before august 1st.

Re: Summer Internship if I'm accepted?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:15 pm
by Guest
As said - requirements begin at start of scholarship session which is when they start giving you a living stipend!

Re: Summer Internship if I'm accepted?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:06 am
by Guest
You will be able to take an internship the summer directly following accepting a SMART award. The rules about working are a little funky, but it basically broke down like this for me:

While actively studying, I was allowed to work up to 16 hrs/wk averaged over my paycheck. That is, one week I could work 20 hours and the next week I could work 12, because all my pay stub showed was that I worked 32 hours in 2 weeks. While not actively studying (summer/winter breaks) I was allowed to work any number of hours I wanted to, and did actually work 40 hour weeks. This includes summers where I interned for SMART, while I was not actively a SMART intern (ex: My internship went May 15- Aug 15, I can work 40 hours/wk from Aug 15 - start of University).

One wrinkle in this: if you happen to be taking a DoD or federally funded internship this immediate summer, you are not allowed to be on that internship and a SMART scholarship at the same time. That is, if you happened to be part of the NREIP program you would need to stop work before August 1st. However, if you happened to be working at a private company, you could keep working at 40 hrs/wk until the start of school, when you would have to drop to 16. I'm not sure how this interacts with NSF grants (REUs) but I imagine you could get away with doing both of those.

Hope this helps