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Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:39 pm
by Xenos2012
Why don't people read?"
As perplexing as that is, the true mystery is why some people seem to take it personally.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:57 pm
by me123
What facility?

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:52 pm
by totolin3
I am checking this forum, my email, and my phone constantly for updates. I think I am going to go crazy.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:28 pm
by Guest2
Last year I got my acceptance on April 2nd. Most went out on the 1st/2nd. Just give it another week or so.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:41 pm
by daGhost
totolin3 wrote:I am checking this forum, my email, and my phone constantly for updates. I think I am going to go crazy.
I definitely know what you mean. I feel like giving up on the thought I will nail this scholarship. At least then if I happen to, I can be happily surprised but if I don't I will have gotten used to the idea. Only a little over a week until we can be sure at least. Good luck to everyone!

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:56 pm
by Guest 2012
daGhost wrote:
totolin3 wrote:I am checking this forum, my email, and my phone constantly for updates. I think I am going to go crazy.
I definitely know what you mean. I feel like giving up on the thought I will nail this scholarship. At least then if I happen to, I can be happily surprised but if I don't I will have gotten used to the idea. Only a little over a week until we can be sure at least. Good luck to everyone!
Guest2 wrote:Last year I got my acceptance on April 2nd. Most went out on the 1st/2nd. Just give it another week or so.
They have already said that they will be sending out notifications around April 9th. And from previous years, they typically run late, meaning after April 9. We are still looking at over two weeks...

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:03 am
by daGhost
Guest 2012 wrote:
They have already said that they will be sending out notifications around April 9th. And from previous years, they typically run late, meaning after April 9. We are still looking at over two weeks...
That's right. Well, soon enough. Just gotta find ways to pass the time!

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:41 am
by Guest
daGhost wrote:
Guest 2012 wrote:
They have already said that they will be sending out notifications around April 9th. And from previous years, they typically run late, meaning after April 9. We are still looking at over two weeks...
That's right. Well, soon enough. Just gotta find ways to pass the time!
You guys don't want this award anyway. Go look at the recipients pages to see how badly life is after you get it! Back out now! Apply for other scholarships, or just take out loans, it would be better on your future!

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:10 pm
by guest11111
Is it possible for those that want to debate whether or not SMART is worth it due policy change create another thread or use the one in the Recipients side. This thread was intended to update on the application progress. I feel for those upset at the recent changes but it is starting to get off topic and covers up people using this thread for the original intent.

EDIT: Posts relating to the merits of SMART were moved to "Is SMART Worth It?"

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:39 pm
by Scholar
Is it possible for those that want to debate whether or not SMART is worth it due policy change create another thread or use the one in the Recipients side. This thread was intended to update on the application progress. I feel for those upset at the recent changes but it is starting to get off topic and covers up people using this thread for the original intent.

EDIT: Posts relating to the merits of SMART were moved to "Is SMART Worth It?"
You guys don't want this award anyway. Go look at the recipients pages to see how badly life is after you get it! Back out now! Apply for other scholarships, or just take out loans, it would be better on your future!
My original post was relevant. I was just responding the quote above that encourages applicants to not accept award offers. :( I don't know why my post was removed and this one wasn't.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:22 am
by In_Stitches
In general, I'd love to get the SMART fellowship, but it is only one of five that I've applied for. Luckily, I'm still in my 2nd year in grad school, so I was able to apply for the other DOD award (the NDSEG), both of the DOE ones (SCGF and CSGF), and then NSF. Naturally, if I get any of these others which don't have strings attached, I probably wouldn't take the SMART fellowship.

But, if it's the only one I get, it's a lot better than no funding, and a little better than the funding my adviser has (he is only funded for experiment, and I want to do simulation). I'm rather curious about how the sponsoring facilities are going to respond to the reduction in summer funding in regards to new appointees. I feel that summers doing unpaid research projects in another state without any support for relocation, etc, etc, is so bogus that it won't stand -- the SF's will have to pick up the slack or everyone will reject the award. My guess is that this will mean that the sponsoring facilities will be more selective of their applicants, since it will be coming out of their budget, and everything will be right with the world.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:39 am
by Guest
In_Stitches wrote:In general, I'd love to get the SMART fellowship, but it is only one of five that I've applied for. Luckily, I'm still in my 2nd year in grad school, so I was able to apply for the other DOD award (the NDSEG), both of the DOE ones (SCGF and CSGF), and then NSF. Naturally, if I get any of these others which don't have strings attached, I probably wouldn't take the SMART fellowship.

But, if it's the only one I get, it's a lot better than no funding, and a little better than the funding my adviser has (he is only funded for experiment, and I want to do simulation). I'm rather curious about how the sponsoring facilities are going to respond to the reduction in summer funding in regards to new appointees. I feel that summers doing unpaid research projects in another state without any support for relocation, etc, etc, is so bogus that it won't stand -- the SF's will have to pick up the slack or everyone will reject the award. My guess is that this will mean that the sponsoring facilities will be more selective of their applicants, since it will be coming out of their budget, and everything will be right with the world.
If the SFs pay anyone a dime I'll eat my hat. They have no money.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:55 am
by Guest5
Guest wrote:If the SFs pay anyone a dime I'll eat my hat. They have no money.
If the SFs pay anyone a dime, then GREAT! Those scholars are covered for their summer internships, and SMART becomes desirable again.

Really the hyperbolic statement should be:
If SMART Program management re-examines Participant Agreement and decides they need to start holding themselves (and the SFs) to the same level of confidence they hold the SMART Participants, then I'll eat my hat.

SMART should really use the backlash from this decision as a reminder that they hold students to an unwaivering level of commitment, and the SF and SMART Program Office should be no different.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:09 pm
by Least Competitive
In_Stitches wrote:In general, I'd love to get the SMART fellowship, but it is only one of five that I've applied for. Luckily, I'm still in my 2nd year in grad school, so I was able to apply for the other DOD award (the NDSEG), both of the DOE ones (SCGF and CSGF), and then NSF. Naturally, if I get any of these others which don't have strings attached, I probably wouldn't take the SMART fellowship.
I believe SMART is a lot less competitive compare to NSF or NDSEG and some other no-string-attached fellowships. Some people (like myself) are not competitive enough and only have a shot at SMART. No summer funding sucks, but it still beats having no support.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:53 pm
by veryanxioussssss
I may be the only one who feels this way, but even with the changes to the scholarship, wouldn't you guys be more than willing to take the scholarship regardless? Okay, so summer internships might not be paid, but the experience is invaluable, no? Money is only a tool, and if loans are needed then let it be. Don't let the shortage of money stop you from getting an otherwise unmatched offer. Now for those of you who have applied to other scholarships and have other pending opportunities, more power to you. You have options. Myself, I only applied to this one. I put all my eggs in one basket, which yes, was not smart, but I poured my heart into the application.

On another note, I have been SO anxious to hear from the DoD. Much like everyone here, I have heard nothing and have been glued to my phone, e-mail, and this board. What line of communication should I expect to hear from them--phone/e-mail? I would assume it's too late for phone interviews from the sponsoring facilities, right? I was nervous with that because with being at work for specific times, I feared not being able to answer. Is this a fear that can diminish at least?

Has anyone heard ANYTHING? I don't even know if I made it past the third round of cuts, which was March 15th. The fourth cut is this week, but from the sounds of it from other posters, we're really not looking at anything until on or around the 9th.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:03 pm
by guest1
veryanxioussssss wrote:I may be the only one who feels this way, but even with the changes to the scholarship, wouldn't you guys be more than willing to take the scholarship regardless? Okay, so summer internships might not be paid, but the experience is invaluable, no? Money is only a tool, and if loans are needed then let it be. Don't let the shortage of money stop you from getting an otherwise unmatched offer. Now for those of you who have applied to other scholarships and have other pending opportunities, more power to you. You have options. Myself, I only applied to this one. I put all my eggs in one basket, which yes, was not smart, but I poured my heart into the application.
Go into this process with both eyes open, and understand that while you are held to a standard of trust, the DoD is not.
veryanxioussssss wrote:On another note, I have been SO anxious to hear from the DoD. Much like everyone here, I have heard nothing and have been glued to my phone, e-mail, and this board. What line of communication should I expect to hear from them--phone/e-mail? I would assume it's too late for phone interviews from the sponsoring facilities, right? I was nervous with that because with being at work for specific times, I feared not being able to answer. Is this a fear that can diminish at least?

Has anyone heard ANYTHING? I don't even know if I made it past the third round of cuts, which was March 15th. The fourth cut is this week, but from the sounds of it from other posters, we're really not looking at anything until on or around the 9th.
When I received it, I was notified by email. Make sure you check your spam box.

But don't worry if you don't get it this week. It could be next week before you hear anything.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:03 pm
by Guest
veryanxioussssss wrote:I may be the only one who feels this way, but even with the changes to the scholarship, wouldn't you guys be more than willing to take the scholarship regardless? Okay, so summer internships might not be paid, but the experience is invaluable, no? Money is only a tool, and if loans are needed then let it be. Don't let the shortage of money stop you from getting an otherwise unmatched offer. Now for those of you who have applied to other scholarships and have other pending opportunities, more power to you. You have options. Myself, I only applied to this one. I put all my eggs in one basket, which yes, was not smart, but I poured my heart into the application.

On another note, I have been SO anxious to hear from the DoD. Much like everyone here, I have heard nothing and have been glued to my phone, e-mail, and this board. What line of communication should I expect to hear from them--phone/e-mail? I would assume it's too late for phone interviews from the sponsoring facilities, right? I was nervous with that because with being at work for specific times, I feared not being able to answer. Is this a fear that can diminish at least?

Has anyone heard ANYTHING? I don't even know if I made it past the third round of cuts, which was March 15th. The fourth cut is this week, but from the sounds of it from other posters, we're really not looking at anything until on or around the 9th.
I'm glad someone else still feels this way. I alternate between school and work year-round, living on 10k for housing, food, everything. Total. The money I make during work semesters, I have to budget out just to make sure I have enough to make it through the year. This schedule has severely delayed my graduation, as I need to keep these alternations up just to continue funding my stay at school. I can understand the financial hardship on people with families, but undergrad students have no right to complain about making 25k with a free education. Sure, the breach of contract sucks, but it still remains that the program more than handsomely PAYS to go to school. I've sat reading these forums since I applied in December and it's appalling how ungrateful some of these kids seem. EVERYONE is taking pay cuts. Most people are losing their jobs. You'll have no student loans and guaranteed employment. That's more than most kids can say after school.

From my own personal experience and contacts - I hope the following does help those still anxiously awaiting this scholarship. I was told most internal recommendations had to be in by March 12th. I received 2 requests for phone interviews (different bases) on March 1st and March 9th. The first wasn't in my top 3. I got a call around 10 AM at work that Tuesday to schedule a phone interview for Thursday (it was a normal number - not restricted). The second base was my first choice. I received an email Friday, March 9 at 10:30 AM for a phone interview an hour later. I missed that email. Nominations were made to ASEE/DoD on March 15th. I haven't gotten any kind of email about the last phase, but I got a call yesterday, March 25, from the Air Force coordinator for SMART asking if I had a choice, which facility I would rather go to. I asked if my decision could impact my chances at the award - he didn't really say. He did say that the earliest I could expect to hear anything else would be the first week of April. I was surprised he said anything before April 9th (I wouldn't expect anything earlier, to be honest).

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:18 pm
by Guest2
My husband applied and got four interviews from three different bases. He got a call today from an air force coordinator asking him to rank the facilities that interviewed him. He was also told that the coordinators for the branches will all be meeting in DC to discuss the candidates and placing and we can expect to hear around April 9.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:25 pm
by archway
I hope it's going well for anyone.

Here is a status update of my progress, hopefully this can serve to inform the collective body of hoping anxiously.

I was called by DTRA for an interview. They were really nice but had no idea what SMART is. I'm sure that if this all works out, they'll figure that out.

I was called by the SMART people in California. They just wanted to check that I was still interested in the same things I put in the application. I said yes. They said that the fact that they called me had no indication on whether I'd get the award. They also informed me that USACE isn't doing CP18, which means no Army Corps funding for new Civil Engineers in the districts.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:24 pm
Guest wrote:
veryanxioussssss wrote:I may be the only one who feels this way, but even with the changes to the scholarship, wouldn't you guys be more than willing to take the scholarship regardless? Okay, so summer internships might not be paid, but the experience is invaluable, no? Money is only a tool, and if loans are needed then let it be. Don't let the shortage of money stop you from getting an otherwise unmatched offer.
I'm glad someone else still feels this way. I alternate between school and work year-round, living on 10k for housing, food, everything. Total. The money I make during work semesters, I have to budget out just to make sure I have enough to make it through the year. This schedule has severely delayed my graduation, as I need to keep these alternations up just to continue funding my stay at school. I can understand the financial hardship on people with families, but undergrad students have no right to complain about making 25k with a free education. Sure, the breach of contract sucks, but it still remains that the program more than handsomely PAYS to go to school. I've sat reading these forums since I applied in December and it's appalling how ungrateful some of these kids seem. EVERYONE is taking pay cuts. Most people are losing their jobs. You'll have no student loans and guaranteed employment. That's more than most kids can say after school.
veryanxioussssss, I am a current participant (2011 Cohort) and I do not plan on leaving the program. The summer internships will be a valuable experience, but paying all of the fees related to the internship will be difficult with no additional support. Most of us who have complained about the lack of summer payment have taken issue with the fact that they have taken away a resource that was promised to us, and one we were assured we did not have to worry about, we were told that our funding was already put aside, and that even the cancellation of the program would not affect our funding. And for many who accepted, the program was matched, but the extra summer support was the reason they chose SMART. It is very frustrated being held to an incredibly high standard and having the threat of dismissal waved around if we step a toe out of line, when none is applied to the group running the program and they are free to make any changes they wish.

Guest, you do appear to have quite a difficult situation and appear to be handling it well, but that does not mean anyone who appears to be in a situation less difficult is not working hard enough or is ungrateful because they are complaining about a breach of contract, I happen to find your statements insulting. I have been budgeting my money, same as you, but I recently was told that this year I would be getting $7000 less, and next year $14,000 less in payment. This is money that I accounted for because I was assured, both verbally during orientation and in the contracts I signed, that it had been set aside for me and could not be touched. Someone has the right to complain when they are promised something and given something else. If your boss handed you a check for half the amount you had earned and told you he needed to hire and pay new employees, would you complain? I would hope so, because at that point you would have accounted for the money and possibly spent some of it. A very reasonable thing to do when you "know" money is on the way.

As a side note, I will have student loans after school, they didn't disappear. I was planning on using the summer payments to lower those before getting out of school, but now I will not be able to do that. And from reading many of the posts from current participants, the employment isn't actually guaranteed, a lot of things can still happen and bases have taken several months, and I believe in one case over a year, to hire people.

I am trying to bring the conversation towards neutral and show people things they may not have considered, if my argument seems biased to one side it is because I was attempting to counter points made on the other.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:16 pm
by 3262012
"I believe if you have not received an interview by this point, you are most likely (not guaranteed though) out of the running for the scholarship"

That's actually not how it works at all. It is stated and emphasized all over the place that some facilities request interviews while others do not, and that when reviewing recommended candidates, SMART has no record of whether or not these candidates received interviews with the facilities or not. You can definitely get recommended without an interview and still be under consideration.

Based on this forum, it doesn't look like SMART has started doing their last round of phone interviews, because not one person has posted about them. A call to rank facilities is not the same as an interview. Don't make statements like that with no backing, you freak people out. Just read back in the forum, people have gotten offered the award in the past without ever getting an interview.

Relax and wait it out like everyone else.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:41 pm
3262012 wrote:That's actually not how it works at all. It is stated and emphasized all over the place that some facilities request interviews while others do not, and that when reviewing recommended candidates, SMART has no record of whether or not these candidates received interviews with the facilities or not. You can definitely get recommended without an interview and still be under consideration.

Don't make statements like that with no backing, you freak people out.
My apologies for not citing sources. I had a discussion with my POC at my facility and just gave the information that he gave me. I did not qualify that other bases may be doing things differently and was not trying to cause people to panic. I removed that part of my response in hopes that I won't cause anyone to freak out and because the information may not hold true across the board.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:15 pm
by smart_hopeful
RPI CSE wrote:Someone has the right to complain when they are promised something and given something else. If your boss handed you a check for half the amount you had earned and told you he needed to hire and pay new employees, would you complain?
You're completely right. Maybe the summer stipend really was "too much" in some sense. That shouldn't matter - even if a person bought a $1 lottery ticket and won a million dollar lottery, he would be absolutely right to object if the lottery suddenly decided they were only going to pay him a thousand dollars. It is a violation of the original agreement, and such a violation is doubly galling in the SMART context because a SMART scholar would have the full force of the federal legal system arrayed against him if he decided that his own commitment was "too much".

Anyway. I'm just an applicant so I might as well throw in my own status update. I was interviewed a little over a month ago by an SF. I was very impressed by their facility, so I contacted SMART to let them know that I wanted to bump this SF to the top of my preferences. SMART then contacted me and said this would be helpful to them. That was probably a month ago now, and I've not heard anything since. I don't really expect to before the April 9 date that's been mentioned.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:23 pm
by 2012_still_waiting
Just got word from a sponsoring facility that interviewed me that my name has gone forward into the final round! *whew!* No mention of a potential lack of SMART funding, but that may just mean that they're out of the loop. Looking forward to hopefully hearing more in the next week or so.

Re: 2012 Applicants

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:44 am
by qqccc
Anyone else not heard anything since the first "next round" email? I haven't gotten any emails or phone interviews since then.