Can you apply for this scholarship before you start college

Answers to various questions regarding the SMART Scholarship application process. Includes many tips and statistics.

Can you apply for this scholarship before you start college

Post by drmroscoe »

Does anyone know if it is possible to apply for the smart scholarship when you are a senior in high school so that you would have your first year of college paid for or do you have to wait until you are actually attending college. The website says that no high school students can apply but it would be nice to know if you have the scholarship when you decide which college to attend.

Posts: 24
Joined: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:09 pm

Re: Can you apply for this scholarship before you start coll

Post by RF_EE »

The way I read it, the answer is no. You need to wait until you are actually enrolled and have started your school. They need to be able to consider how well you're doing so far so that they don't start paying you, you don't do well, and are forced to pay them back. Also, from what I've read on here, you shouldn't expect to get it before you're going into your junior year, unless you're a perfect match. When they offer you the scholarship, they're committing to paying you for the rest of your time in school, plus having work for you for the duration of your commitment. The less they need to commit to, the more likely it is to have them consider you.

guest 22

Re: Can you apply for this scholarship before you start coll

Post by guest 22 »

I did, and I received the scholarship.

However, I had a number of college credits obtained from a local community college during high school. I applied, sent them my community college transcript, and never made any mention of my age or high school educational experience.

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