Moving to Location

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Re: Moving to Location

by Phase_3 » Wed May 10, 2017 10:47 pm

When I did my internship, I found a sublease on Craigslist, drove the 1000 miles to my SF and bought an air mattress. I had a roommate so she had all the common area items like pots and pans etc. It worked out really well and I was able to pocket a lot of the internship $$. Plus she wanted me back as a roommate when I graduated so I didn't have to search for another place. I had a friend stay in my school apt for the summer at a discounted rate so I left most of my big stuff at my school apt.

Re: Moving to Location

by Guest444 » Wed May 10, 2017 10:40 pm

I am talking moving for internships when I am only there a few months at a time.

Re: Moving to Location

by Guest123 » Thu May 04, 2017 10:45 pm

Guest wrote:People who have received the award: how do you handle moving to and from your sponsoring facility? Do you keep a storage unit?
Are you talking about moving for internships or when you have to move there for the commitment? If internships, how many do you have to do?

Moving to Location

by Guest » Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:55 pm

People who have received the award: how do you handle moving to and from your sponsoring facility? Do you keep a storage unit?
