by catsanddogs » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:15 pm
Maybe not the answer you're looking for, but I have a friend who, he's not a SMART recipient but he was a pathways intern, is getting hired at a base in the Midwest the last week of June.
I haven't heard of any tentative offer for my sf, but they had contacted me recently asking me about the SF50 form, which I learned was clearance paperwork, so I'm guessing (and hoping) for me its soon(?)
Based on current events who knows what 2020 may throw at us.
Maybe not the answer you're looking for, but I have a friend who, he's not a SMART recipient but he was a pathways intern, is getting hired at a base in the Midwest the last week of June.
I haven't heard of any tentative offer for my sf, but they had contacted me recently asking me about the SF50 form, which I learned was clearance paperwork, so I'm guessing (and hoping) for me its soon(?)
Based on current events who knows what 2020 may throw at us.