Expected Salary

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Re: Expected Salary

by Guest » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:31 am

Just FYI, not every facility is based on a GS scale. I will actually be starting as an NDII (thats a roman numeral 2) which, according to my POC, will put me at 67k starting. The best part of being ND is that my supervision can "give" me pay raises directly instead of being limited to the GS time in grade increases. This supposedly translates into better pay faster.

Re: Expected Salary

by Chris Moulder » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:17 pm

GS8 is pretty standard for entry level BS. I'd imagine you could go in a GS9 or 10. However, because of the steps, those all overlap pretty significantly.

You will also have the locality adjustment.

Pay will very significantly between facilities too...just because.

Edwards entry level with good grades and all adjustments: 65k
Hill entry level with good grades and all adjustments: 45-50k

granted, it's a lot cheaper to live in Utah than LA County, but you can still tell there's a large difference.

Expected Salary

by TcAllen247 » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:17 pm

I'm really considering applying for the '11 round, the one thing I couldn't seem to find is what GS levels the sponsoring facilities use after graduating? I'm in an accelerated program and will graduate with a MS in electrical engineering.
