Professional Experiences section

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Re: Professional Experiences section

by HelpfulGuest » Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:59 pm

mwalk018 wrote:What do I do about the resume/cv in the Professional experiences section if I don't have any professional experience in my field?
Take work experience from outside your field and connect it by highlighting key skills. Responsibility, reliability, communication, self-sufficiency are just a few skills that you may have demonstrated in even a non-technical job.

You can do a similar thing with academic experiences you may have had: major presentations/projects, organization/leadership in extracurricular groups, etc.

Professional Experiences section

by mwalk018 » Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:20 pm

What do I do about the resume/cv in the Professional experiences section if I don't have any professional experience in my field?
