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GPA and Outside Work Hours Flexibility

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:12 am
by Anon-one
1. So I know that the handbook states that a GPA of 3.0 must be maintained, but I was wondering how strict the policy is. Like what if I happened to have 1 rough semester and it was brought down to like a 2.9, would I be at risk of losing the scholarship? (Hypothetical question). Also would there be any way to appeal or a semester to make it up?

2. The handbook also states that although you can find employment outside of the scholarship, your work can not be more than 16 hours. I might have a potential position but it would require a set 20 hours every week (no more, no less). This job would not interfere with my internships during the summer however, as it is only for the fall and spring semester's. Does anyone know if there is any flexibility with this rule?