What happens if you complete degree early?

Answers to various questions regarding the SMART Scholarship application process. Includes many tips and statistics.

What happens if you complete degree early?

Post by MichaelBluth »

Hi all,
I applied for SMART back in December, applying for a master's degrees. I indicated that it would take 2 years (4 semesters) to complete the degree. However, I've realized that I might be able to complete the degree requirements in 2 or 3 semesters, especially if I switch to a coursework-only masters instead of a thesis-based masters.

My questions are:
  • In the application I said (or heavily implied, can't remember) that I would work for a research-based masters. Would switching to coursework-only run afoul of SMART regulations?
  • Will finishing Phase I early reduce the length of Phase II? In other words, if I finish the degree in 2 semesters, will I only have a 12 month commitment?
  • If I'm interviewed by an SF, would it be prudent to bring this up in my interview?
Thank you!


Re: What happens if you complete degree early?

Post by Guest22 »

SMART scholar here.

Generally speaking, it's 100% up to the SF. SMART isn't gonna freak out. I changed my school and my graduation date and just asked my SF "Hey, would this cause a problem?" and they said "Nope, you're good!" and SMART literally just takes their word for it.

In the interview I would ask the SF if they have strict requirements for a start date. Mention that you have some flexibility between finishing in 2 semesters vs 4 semesters. Ask them which they'd prefer or if it matters.

80% chance they don't care. Their in this for the long haul, looking for the best applicants. They aren't trying to fill a position this week.


Re: What happens if you complete degree early?

Post by Droshki »

^^^ What he said

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