A Huge Mistake

Answers to various questions regarding the SMART Scholarship application process. Includes many tips and statistics.
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Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:16 pm

A Huge Mistake

Post by vodosiosk »

I am new to the board. I am writing to vent a little. I made a HUUUUGE mistake today! I want to kick myself. I planned on finishing up the editing of my two essays this morning and to my horror I realized one file was missing!!!!! I panicked for a bit, then decided sit down and write the essay again. My hubby was going to do the final editing and submit my application by the deadline. I thought I had it complete, hopped in the shower, and made it to lab in time. He calls me at school and says, "I see your new essay but I can't find the your other essay that you said was not lost." It was at that point that I realized I had saved my new essay on top of the essay that I had not lost!!!!! "Not to fear", he said. He could recover it or so he thought. We were not able to recover the essay and had five minutes to submit the application. I wrote a nice little note explaining what had happened. Everything was submitted, but I am afraid I committed an unpardonable sin. :oops:


Re: A Huge Mistake

Post by Aletheia »

So sorry to hear. That happens with me all too often. Even when I start ahead of time, my circumstances get in the way, or I take so long to organize my thoughts in a logical fashion that I eat up so much time just rearranging paragraphs and submitting at the last minute (literally).

It might be worth sending (as soon as possible) a copy of your essay by email explaining what happened, with a signed letter by your husband, if possible. That said, they'll probably wonder why it wasn't completed sooner to avoid the problem...

Best of luck in any case. A lot of effort goes into these applications, so if nothing else, I hope it has served to assist you in making improvements for future such endeavors. Think of it this way - you've already done the work of organizing your thoughts and materials for the next one!

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