Is it worth it to apply?

Answers to various questions regarding the SMART Scholarship application process. Includes many tips and statistics.

Is it worth it to apply?

Post by udontnojakki »

Hi All! My name is Jakki and I am a 3rd year PhD student at a top 10 biochemistry research institute. I would really like to work for the DoD and also need funding. So I think this is a perfect match. Can you let me know if its worth applying? I have been turned down by so many fellowships so I am very discouraged at the moment. But maybe this is the one! Here are some basic stats about me:

I meet all eligibility requirements.
High School GPA 3.98
Undergrad GPA 3.87
Grad School GPA 4.0
GRE Verbal (79%)
GRE Quantitative (75%)
Analytical Writing GRE (93%)
I have 4 years undergrad research experience and one paper from undergrad (4th author).
I have 3 years graduate research experience and two papers (second author). One first author paper in submission.
I have good letters of rec one from head of department and two full professors.
I have some community service volunteering with high school students coaching them for science olympiad and giving public science tours every Saturday.
I am in two clubs in grad school Network for Women in Science and also the Peer to Peer Coaching club.

But that's about it. Do I even have a shot? Thanks,



Re: Is it worth it to apply?

Post by Guest »


This is a very loaded question. If you're asking if you have a chance of getting in. The answer is yes. However, getting in is a function of doing well academically, and facilities needing your background.

The real question you need to ask yourself is if this is what you want. You will be locked in to working after you graduate and there is a reasonable chance you'll be stuck doing something you don't want to do at a salary less than what you could get in the private sector. Alternatively, PHDs almost always go in to research, which could be exactly what you want, and your locality adjustment may put you above the going private rate.

It really all depends.

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