April is Coming Up

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Re: April is Coming Up

by AnotherGuest » Wed Apr 03, 2019 10:32 am

PlutoBoy wrote:
How did that work? I currently dislike my SF. They have agreed to let me leave and another SF has agreed to take me. I don't know how do I initiate the change.
TL;DR version - you need to be proactive and do the legwork. You already have most of it done with one SF agreeing to let you go and another agreeing to take you on. You need to contact the SMART program office or your original SF's liaison (would recommend the liaison first), and explain the situation. You are more likely to get the liaison on your side before SMART, and they can help convince SMART that your change of SF request is legitimate.

I'm in Phase 3 now -- the contractor running SMART at the time was ASEE instead of LMI, but I still had to do all of the legwork. That group at AEDC wasn't completely honest about the work that I would be doing when I went through the interview process... So even though they weren't on my list I still accepted it based on the work that was described to me still fitting into where I wanted to go with my research/future work after grad school. During my first summer internship there I quickly found out I would be placed in a position that capped out after 2 years, doing work that wouldn't even make use of or require a graduate degree (they also couldn't sponsor me when I decided to pursue a PhD because they were only authorized to support up to Masters level employees, which seemed very bizarre). There were other issues, but the biggest one was I only accepted the offer (I had other funding offers) because of the work that was described to me and they weren't truthful about it.

I started contacting the AF liaison to see what could be done -- he tried to convince me to apply for SMART again, however for a PhD and that would put be back in the pool for nearly random selection. I wasn't really up for doing that process again, so I hunted around for positions at other SF's that were much more in line with what I was supposed to be doing and closer to what my degree was focused in. Eventually came across a DoD lab job opening that was circulated through my grad lab that sounded like a perfect fit -- interviewed with them in-person and explained my SMART situation. SF's on both sides of the transfer had to be good with the transfer itself and the SMART program office/liaison handled things from there. The transfer took a long time... I started working the transfer ~9-10 months before I graduated... I didn't start working until 6 months after I graduated. Also of note... Once you get a transfer to go through, SMART puts a document in your file (and e-mails it to you), that 100% comes across that they aren't happy with what you did, and that you aren't in line with the original agreement you signed, etc... The note is meant to blemish your file for anything in the future that might come up was what I got from it. I haven't noticed any issues - applied for SMART again, however as a retention with my new SF and it sounds like they are expecting me to get an award notification this week - also received NDSEG (was run by ASEE when I did SMART, so I half expected my SMART file to be shared w/ NDSEG office).

Re: April is Coming Up

by Rerathar » Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:13 pm

I didn't get a call from SMART about reranking, but I also made my top 3 choices all three of the USACC facilities, and the person who did my interview said they were getting ready to shift the Maryland and Virginia ones to Georgia within the next couple years.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Guest » Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:56 pm

Bitter2018Scholar wrote:Dang, I wish we could have re-ranked our SF preference after interviews last year. I had an interview with an SF I hated but still somehow got assigned to them. It’s been hell since.
I received a phone call from SMART last year asking if I wanted to re-rank my SF preferences. I think it is pretty uncommon for it to happen, but it does happen every year.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Bitter2018Scholar » Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:51 pm

AnotherGuest wrote:
MMGuest wrote:
Bitter2018Scholar wrote:Dang, I wish we could have re-ranked our SF preference after interviews last year. I had an interview with an SF I hated but still somehow got assigned to them. It’s been hell since.
Can I ask which SF you are at?
I had a similar thing happen - my SF was AEDC - not even on my list of choices (I was interviewed by others on my list and told I was a name they were putting forward to SMART... AEDC got me because I was their ONLY name submitted). Fortunately was able to eventually move somewhere else.
Definitely jealous you were able to transfer. I know LMI has been extra strict about it. I got the nastiest email at the time of award asking if transfers happen in certain circumstances. My SF isn’t using my research, they technically aren’t using my major, and it’s across the country. I live in a pretty big city near a ton of SFs (all three of my top choices, one that uses my university for their agency, hence why I asked) but no luck. I even had the SF I wanted’s HR people reach out because I knew they had selected me and they also got nasty emails staying I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere doing nothing productive.

Re: April is Coming Up

by PlutoBoy » Tue Apr 02, 2019 11:58 am

AnotherGuest wrote:
MMGuest wrote:
Bitter2018Scholar wrote:Dang, I wish we could have re-ranked our SF preference after interviews last year. I had an interview with an SF I hated but still somehow got assigned to them. It’s been hell since.
Can I ask which SF you are at?
I had a similar thing happen - my SF was AEDC - not even on my list of choices (I was interviewed by others on my list and told I was a name they were putting forward to SMART... AEDC got me because I was their ONLY name submitted). Fortunately was able to eventually move somewhere else.
How did that work? I currently dislike my SF. They have agreed to let me leave and another SF has agreed to take me. I don't know how do I initiate the change.

Re: April is Coming Up

by jaf1324 » Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:16 pm

Guest wrote:
jaf1324 wrote:I've had 3 interviews and all of them said April 1st. All 3 were different departments of the same SF though, so I'm sure they all heard the same date, it could possibly be that they're all wrong.

What lab was that at?
MDA, all 3 in Huntsville.

Re: April is Coming Up

by dancer » Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:04 am

So awards may be coming out this week.... Fingers crossed as I never got contacted for an interview. CS PhD looking to work at WSMR

Re: April is Coming Up

by AnotherGuest » Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:38 pm

MMGuest wrote:
Bitter2018Scholar wrote:Dang, I wish we could have re-ranked our SF preference after interviews last year. I had an interview with an SF I hated but still somehow got assigned to them. It’s been hell since.
Can I ask which SF you are at?
I had a similar thing happen - my SF was AEDC - not even on my list of choices (I was interviewed by others on my list and told I was a name they were putting forward to SMART... AEDC got me because I was their ONLY name submitted). Fortunately was able to eventually move somewhere else.

Re: April is Coming Up

by MMGuest » Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:51 pm

Bitter2018Scholar wrote:Dang, I wish we could have re-ranked our SF preference after interviews last year. I had an interview with an SF I hated but still somehow got assigned to them. It’s been hell since.
Can I ask which SF you are at?

Re: April is Coming Up

by Bitter2018Scholar » Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:12 pm

Dang, I wish we could have re-ranked our SF preference after interviews last year. I had an interview with an SF I hated but still somehow got assigned to them. It’s been hell since.

Re: April is Coming Up

by al3293 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:06 pm

I got a call from SMART on the 21st about clarification of my semifinalist application. She asked if I had been contacted by any SFs to interview, how many interviews I had if contacted. I was also asked how I felt my interviews had gone and how I would rank my preferred facilities now based on the interviews. The lady I spoke to was clear that the phone call in no way meant that I was being offered a scholarship, of course. But at the end of the call, she told me that award notifications will be going out in the first two weeks of April. So. Much. Tension!

Re: April is Coming Up

by AnotherGuest » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:22 pm

Drakester wrote:does SMART still contact the candidates to conduct interviews?
Not anymore. Just the sponsoring facilities.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Drakester » Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:48 pm

does SMART still contact the candidates to conduct interviews?

Re: April is Coming Up

by Guest » Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:49 pm

I emailed SMART and they said notifications would go out April 5th.

Re: April is Coming Up

by 2ndYearEngineer » Wed Mar 27, 2019 11:31 am

So I got word from an SF that interviewed me that award offers would go out on Friday, April 5.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Drakester » Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:10 am

So. I'm dying from anticipation. Am I to understand that no one has been contacted from SMART yet? If not then what stage are we at right now? I was told by my SF that I was one of their top candidates. I hate the not knowing of what to expect next.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Chicka » Tue Mar 26, 2019 5:54 pm

Guest wrote:
Chicka wrote:Well, I haven't heard from any SF for an interview. So here's hoping that I hear back for an award. I wish I knew the odds of getting an award without an interview.
While I have no idea what the odds are, it's definitely possible! Rooting for you!
Well, thanks. I've been using all this energy that I have to apply for other scholarships. I tried reaching out to folks via LinkedIn, but it was hit and miss.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Guest » Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:59 pm

jaf1324 wrote:I've had 3 interviews and all of them said April 1st. All 3 were different departments of the same SF though, so I'm sure they all heard the same date, it could possibly be that they're all wrong.

What lab was that at?

Re: April is Coming Up

by NotColin » Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:08 pm

I unfortunately have not received an interview as of yet, I’m assuming that’s not a very good thing.

Re: April is Coming Up

by jaf1324 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:58 pm

I've had 3 interviews and all of them said April 1st. All 3 were different departments of the same SF though, so I'm sure they all heard the same date, it could possibly be that they're all wrong.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Guest » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:08 pm

My understanding is that some labs like to do interviews or try there best to do interviews, but don't always. Because a lab selects you as their top choice does not guarantee that you will receive a fellowship. It all depends on where the lab ranks in the grand scheme of the other labs (i.e. NSWC, NRL, Air force, Army, etc). The ranking is not well known, I have never seen anything regarding how they are ranked. I do know it depends on what the DoD needs are, which labs took someone last year, and available funding.

I was selected as a top choice for two labs. One emailed me wanting to do an interview over the phone. The other selected me and I only heard about being selected as a top choice from another lab because of my advisor.

Re: April is Coming Up

by Guest » Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:42 pm

Chicka wrote:Well, I haven't heard from any SF for an interview. So here's hoping that I hear back for an award. I wish I knew the odds of getting an award without an interview.
While I have no idea what the odds are, it's definitely possible! Rooting for you!

Re: April is Coming Up

by Chicka » Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:38 pm

Well, I haven't heard from any SF for an interview. So here's hoping that I hear back for an award. I wish I knew the odds of getting an award without an interview.

Re: April is Coming Up

by guest987 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 8:27 pm

Anxious But Excited wrote:I emailed SMART and they said that they anticipate sending out awards early april!
Did they give any additional information? The first two weeks of April is a very long time to be constantly refreshing my email...

Re: April is Coming Up

by Anxious But Excited » Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:44 pm

I emailed SMART and they said that they anticipate sending out awards early april!
